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What is Biomgnetic Pair Therapy?

Gradient Ocean

Biomagnetic Pair Therapy (BMPT) is a facilitative technique that restores equilibrium within your body. This equilibrium enables your body to respond to whatever problem that might be present, e.g. a pathogen (bacteria,  virus, fungus or parasite that can cause disease) or an organ or system that is not working efficiently and has some type of dysfunction.


BMPT rectifies this imbalance by adjusting certain areas of your body. Primarily what BMPT aims to do is to create a stable equilibrium within the PH levels of your body. For a healthy human being the PH levels will be from 6.9 to 7.3. Anything below 6.9 is considered acidic and anything below 7.3 is considered alkaline.


Your PH level can shift marginally and this is OK but if it goes beyond these levels your body will start experiencing problems. This is not representative of your blood PH level but the PH level in different areas of your body. Your stomach for example is very acidic and is a different PH level to that of your heart and so it should be. What I am looking for is areas of PH imbalance within your body.
















Biomagnism is the interaction of living organisms with magnetic fields. Whenever the north pole of a magnet is introduced to any area of your body with a PH imbalance the right side of your body contracts and shortens by approx. 2-5 cm. This reaction is painless and most people don't even notice but it results in your right leg shortening by approx 2 cm. Again, this is not harmful or painful in any way. You may or may not feel your leg moving when this occurs.


This interaction with the magnetic field only happens when the magnetic field has been introduced to a part of your body with a PH distortion. This PH distortion is usually because of an infection of some sort whether that’s viral, bacterial, fungal or parasitic. These infections have the ability of distorting PH levels leading to a non-effective immune system in that area. This leads to a localised area which is the correct environment for a particular pathogen or group of pathogens but is not ideal for you.








So I will introduce magnetic fields to parts of your body, checking to see of there is any shortening in your legs. All of these north pole points have south pole points that they resonate with, so if the south pole of the magnet is placed on a particular resonating point it will have the effect of balancing the legs, confirming that equilibrium in that region has been achieved again.


If the south pole of the magnet is removed immediately then the leg will shorten as the magnets need to be left in place for a particular period of time to address the imbalance. This is because your body has to create the equilibrium. The magnetic fields do not kill any viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites but what they will do is shift sub-atomic particles (such as Hydrogen ions, electrons, protons) on a microscopic level, sometimes just changing the direction in which they are in but that change is enough for your body to create PH equilibrium in that area. This takes approx. 30 minutes to achieve at our latitude. So the magnets will be left in place for at least 30 minutes.















The scan takes approximately 30 minutes to do so you will be on the table for approximately 1 hour for a scan. A scan is the term for when the hundreds of points all over your body are checked for a PH imbalance. When the last pair of magnets goes on I will leave all the magnets on for a further 30 minutes.


There is no pain or discomfort, some people feel a slight tingling under the surface or their skin when the magnets are in place, this is your body adjusting to the new PH and your immune system starting to interact with pathogens.


There will be a detoxing process then starting to take place when your body starts to flush out toxins left over from the now dead pathogens. You may experience what is known as a healing crisis or Herxheimer reaction, where a massive amount of different microscopic organisms die off and the endotoxins that these carry get flooded into your system and it can be a little bit like a detoxing scenario that your body goes through.  There is the fight initially where your body is eliminating the infection and then there is the detox process after that which can take 48-72 hours. It usually passes after this time. For most people this is quite light, you may have  bit of head ache of feel like you have slight cold symptoms or feel a bit tired.







The Biomagnetic Pair technique helps prevent, compliment and facilitate rehabilitation from various infectious, chronic-degenerative, metabolic, dysfunctional, autoimmune, psychoemotional, tumoral and genetic diseases as well as poisonings. This is achieved through the process of stabilising the body's bioelectric system and PH. The main result and clinical effects on the body are as follows:




Elimination of pathogenic infections 

Joint Pain

Vasodilation - to decrease blood pressure

Edema reduction


Lyme Disease

Long Covid


Leg Pain




Chronic Pain



Autoimmune Disorders

Platelet adhesion reduction


Acceleration of enzyme reactions

Calcium ion movement enhancement

Calmodium transport enhancement

Brain functioning

Hormone balance

Stress reduction

Metabolism enhancement

Electrolyte changes

Bone healing acceleration


Autonomic nervous system action

Oxygenation enhancement

Inflammation reduction

Sleep improvement

Liver function improvement

Wound healing enhancement

Infertility improvement

Nitric oxide production stimulation

Sodium potassium exchange enhancement

Membrane function enhancement

Improved cellular energy

Increased immunity

Muscle relaxation

Nerve cell firing reduction

Amino acid changes


So how does the therapy work?

So what can BMPT be used for?

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