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Frequently Asked Questions
How long is a treatment?
Each treatment usually lasts approximately 1 hour to 1 hour and fifteen minutes. The initial visit lasts about 90 minutes as we need to talk more about your history and condition.
Where will I be during the treatment?
You will be lying on a massage table with your legs and back supported by a wedge shaped cushion. Where mobility is an issue you can remain seated for the treatment although this takes longer.
What should I wear?
I will be applying magnets to the outside of your clothes using masking tape, so it is best to wear long legged and long sleeved clothes. It is also good to wear clothing that is not baggy or loose fitting as the magnets need to be in contact with your body.
The masking tape does not work well on certain materials such as lycra or polyester so please void wearing these materials where possible.
You will be wearing a pair of modified shoes so please do wear socks or bring a pair with you to wear for the treatment.
For any points on exposed skin (hands, head, neck) I will be using a special cohesive tape that I will then attach the magnets to.
Will it hurt?
The treatment will not hurt as it is very gentle. Some people experience tingling when the magnets are placed on certain points, others experience either heat or cold. This is due to the correct PH being restored to the correct level in that part of the body and so the immune system starts to function again properly in that area.
How many sessions will I need to have?
BMPT is a technique that facilitates healing, in that BMPT restores the equilibrium that your body requires in order to heal itself. It is your body that is doing the hard work of healing, so the pace at which you heal is the pace at which your body is able to heal. You should see a difference in your condition after three sessions, everything else varies from person to person.
Once I am finished treatment should I return?
Once you have finished your treatment is it always advisable to return once every 3-4 months for a check up. This is good practice to maintain a good level of health.
How much does each treatment cost?
Each treatment costs €80.
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